• See What We Do On Campus

    The IRC hosts five conferences focused on community outreach during the year:

    - Sustainable Development Goals Model United Nations (SDGMUN)

    - Regional Model United Nations (RMUN)

    - Northeast Regional Model Arab League (NERMAL)

    - Middle School Model United Nations (MSMUN)

    - December Invitational Model United Nations (DIMUN)


    These conferences are held in partnership with the United Nations Association of Greater Boston (UNAGB) and the National Council on US - Arab Relations (NCUSAR). Our team here at Northeastern has been partnering with UNAGB and NCUSAR, Boston area and Nationwide organizations respectively. The IRC has worked with UNAGB since 2003 to host conferences on our campus for middleschoolers and highschoolers to engage in the Model United Nations that we have come to enjoy. We have worked with NCUSAR since the early 2000s, hosting NERMAL at a regional College Level for students across the country.


    Northeastern students provide the upper secretariat for each conference and coordinate all staff training. We pride ourselves in offering quality training praised by external Faculty and Student Advisors that enables staff members of each conference to give those students participating in the program the best experience.


    We believe this type of community engagement is critical to our mission as a student group. It highlights the potential for internationally-focused experiential education to reach all ages groups.

    Sustainable Development Goals Model United Nations (SDGMUN)

    Co-Sponsoring Organization: United Nations Association of Greater Boston


    Host: International Relations Council at Northeastern University


    SDGMUN is a one-day conference we host in conjunction with the United Nations Association of Greater Boston. The growing conference brought more than 300 middle school students to Northeastern’s campus to debate a wide range of topics. The IRC provides logistical support and staff for the conference. IRC members play a large role in chairing these conferences and organizing conference logistics.


    For more information about this conference, please visit UNA-GB’s website at www.unagb.org or contact Rebecca Corcoran at rebecca.corcoran@unagb.org.

    Rising Leaders Model United Nations (RMUN)

    Co-Sponsoring Organization: United Nations Association of Greater Boston


    Host: International Relations Council at Northeastern University


    Hosted in conjunction with the United Nations Association of Greater Boston (UNAGB), the UNAGB Regional Model UN conference is a competitive, two-day, high school Model United Nations conference that annually draws 400 students from New England and other parts of the Northeast to the Northeastern University campus in May. Members of the IRC provide logistical support for the conference, as well as chair the committee sessions.


    For more information about this conference, please visit UNA-GB’s website at www.unagb.org or contact Rebecca Corcoran at rebecca.corcoran@unagb.org.

    Northeast Regional Model Arab League (NERMAL)

    Co-Sponsoring Organization: National Council on U.S. - Arab Relations


    Host: International Relations Council at Northeastern University


    NERMAL is a three day conference held in conjunction with the National Council on U.S. - Arab Relations. NERMAL continuously draws in college students from New England and other regions across the nation in early November. The IRC provides secretariat, logistics, and chairs for each of the committees and conference as a whole. Committees range from the Council of Political Affairs to the Council on Palestinian Affairs to Joint Cabinet Crisis simulations.


    For more information about this conference, please visit NCUSARS's website at www.ncusar.org or contact Delaney Leslie at delaney@ncusar.org.

    Middle School Model United Nations (MSMUN)

    Co-Sponsoring Organization: United Nations Association of Greater Boston


    Host: International Relations Council at Northeastern University


    MSMUN is a one-day conference we host in conjunction with the United Nations Association of Greater Boston. The growing conference brought more than 300 middle school students to Northeastern’s campus to debate a wide range of topics. The IRC provides logistical support and staff for the conference.


    For more information about this conference, please visit UNA-GB’s website at www.unagb.org or contact Rebecca Corcoran at rebecca.corcoran@unagb.org.

    December Invitational Model United Nations (DIMUN)

    Co-Sponsoring Organization: United Nations Association of Greater Boston


    Host: International Relations Council at Northeastern University


    DIMUN is a fast paced, crisis style Model United Nations conference held in conjunction with the United Nations Association of Greater Boston as an invitational conference to award winning middle school delegations from other UNAGB conferences such as GBMUN and MSMUN. The IRC provides secretariat, logistics, and chairs for each of the committees and the conference as a whole. Committees include a vast array of Crisis Committees each year.


    For more information about this conference, please visit UNA-GB’s website at www.unagb.org or contact Rebecca Corcoran at rebecca.corcoran@unagb.org.

  • E-Board and Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

    IRC Constitution